Code of Conduct Policy 2 of 6

2. Covid 19

Due to the recent COVID pandemic we have amended some of or rules and guidance. Currently there are strict restrictions on what we can and cannot do in relation to Football activities. Attached is the current rules as of the 1st June 2020.

Please can you discuss these rules with your player and support your coaches to help keep everyone safe.

Your child’s team may be coming back to training, which will look and feel different to what the players have been used to. It is very important that all players, coaches and parents follow the guidance and rules to ensure the safety of all involved.

Training will take place in small bubbles of 5 players and a coach. These groups will be their group for the whole session and will not be mixed at any time during that session.

The pavilion will be available for hand washing before, during and after the session.

Equipment sharing will be avoided, and the equipment will be cleaned before each session.

A strict two metre social distance rule is in place and must be adhered to. If players are unable to do so, regretfully we may ask them to refrain from attending until restrictions are lifted further. The only exception to this would be where first aid is required and the trained first aider would need to prioritise the immediate wellbeing of the affected. We respectively ask social distancing is complied with before and after session.

Social distancing does not make tackling, or close quarter activities possible, therefore there will be very little competitive type activities currently, and no game situations allowed.

Parent, please make sure you are available during the sessions incase there are issues with social distancing, but also further away from the bubble to ensure the session is not crowded and is distanced.

We ask that players only bring the minimum of possessions with them, for example an additional clothing layer and water bottle. Please do not bring any food or additional drinks other that what is needed in the session. If there is medication or medical reasons additional items need to be brought, please discuss with your coach. Water bottles are not to be shared.

If you, your player or anyone in your household exhibit any symptoms of COVID or feel unwell in line with latest government guidelines, please follow the required action which is usually not attending sessions until the self-isolating is finished or no longer required. Latest guidance, symptoms and help can be found here:

The club take the safety of all our players, coaches, supporters and parents seriously, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me on 07881 372960. We know this is a difficult time, and we hope that this can help us towards some sense of normality. I am confident in the near future we will be back to tackling and experience some sort of game situation, but until further notice from the club, we must adhere to the rules to allow the restrictions to be lifted in the future.

Please can you confirm back to your manager that your household are in agreement with these rules before commencement of training.